‘Epistemic perspectives on enthusiasm in late seventeenth-century England’, Harvard Theological Review, vol. 115, no. 2 (April 2022), pp. 243–73
‘Epidemics, regulations, and Aristotle’s physics of motion: a ballistic perspective on a current debate’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, vol. 9, issue 18 (2020), pp. 4:1–4:45
‘Body of evidence: the case of early modern enthusiasm’, Ikon, vol. 12 (2019), pp. 153–59
‘La maîtrise de soi et les enjeux de l’habitude’, Fellows, no. 54 (1 April 2019), [pp. 1–2]
‘The non-orientability of the mechanical in Thomas Carlyle’s early essays’, Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, vol. 6, issue 11 (2017), pp. 3:1–3:19
‘From aviation to cognition: fly-by-wire, self-control, and the reversal of the paradox of automation’, Perspectives, vol. 16 (2017), pp. 28–31
(with Didier Grandjean and Sascha Frühholz) ‘Amygdala and auditory cortex exhibit distinct sensitivity to acoustic features of auditory emotions’, Cortex, vol. 85 (December 2016), pp. 116–25
‘Space, language, and the limits of knowledge: a Kantian view on W.T. Beckford’s Vathek‘, Janus Head, vol. 15, issue 2 (2016), pp. 45–83
(with Marc-André Rappaz and Didier Grandjean) ‘Metaphor and music emotion: ancient views and future directions’, Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 44 (August 2016), pp. 61–71
‘Visions and revisions: addiction and additions in Thomas De Quincey’s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater and Giovanni Battista Piranesi’s Carceri D’Invenzione’, Vides – Volume of Interdisciplinary Essays, vol. 3 (2015), pp. 81–91
(with Didier Grandjean and Sascha Frühholz) ‘Subcortical processing in auditory communication’, Hearing Research, vol. 328 (October 2015), pp. 67–77
(with Christian Herrmann and Elyse Sussman) ‘Analyzing the auditory scene: neurophysiologic evidence of a dissociation between detection of regularity and detection of change’, Brain Topography, vol. 28, issue 3 (May 2015), pp. 411–22
‘“Anything that is strang”: normality, deviance, and the Tradescants’ collecting legacy’, Perspectives on Science, vol. 23, issue 1 (January 2015), pp. 335–60
(with Joy Hirsch) ‘Unconscious neural specificity for “self” and the brainstem’, Journal of Consciousness Studies, vol. 20, no. 1-2 (2013), pp. 169–79
‘A “gray” matter of taste: sound perception, music cognition, and Baumgarten’s aesthetics’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, vol. 43, issue 3 (September 2012), pp. 594–601
‘Men on the verge of a nervous breakdown: manhood, social status, and morality in Alban Berg’s Wozzeck‘, Der musikalisch modellierte Mann. Interkulturelle und interdisziplinäre Männlichkeitsstudien zur Oper und Literatur des 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhunderts , ed. Barbara Hindinger and Ester Saletta (Wien: Praesens Verlag, 2012), pp. 372–396 ISBN: 978-3-7069-0695-1
‘The “I” of the beholder: studying the “self” between the humanities and neuroscience’, Medical Humanities, vol. 37, issue 2 (August 2011), pp. 115–22
(with Joy Hirsch) ‘Self-face enhances processing of immediately preceding invisible faces’, Neuropsychologia, vol. 49, issue 3 (February 2011), pp. 564–73
(with Joy Hirsch) ‘Self-specific priming effect’, Consciousness and Cognition, vol. 19, no. 4 (December 2010), pp. 962–68
‘Bodies divide, minds unite: mirror neurons and Leibniz’s philosophy of mind’, Biological Theory, vol. 5, issue 3 (September 2010), pp. 264–70
‘La mente y la imágen’ (The mind and the image), Vértebra. Revista de arte y literatura, vol. 11 (October 2009), pp. 21–35
(with Chiara Simonelli and Michele Tedeschi) ‘Contraccezione nella religione ebraica’ (‘Contraception and Judaism’), Sessualità e terzo millennio, Vol. II, ed. Chiara Simonelli, Filippo Petruccelli, and Veronica Vizzari (Milano: Franco Angeli, 1998) ISBN: 978-8-8464-0670-5